Replay: Aaron Dworkin shares Five Things He's Learned about How Social Change Really Happens
Check out the first five minutes of his recent class.
“I know the transforming power that shared artistic experiences bring to individuals, ensembles, and communities. I know the immediate challenges, and the lasting rewards, of putting structures in place that support artists and entrepreneurs. I’ve also learned how the entrepreneurial path of the artist — a path that demands ongoing excellence and re-invention — transforms the organizations and institutions of which they are a part.”
– Aaron Dworkin, Five Things I've Learned about How Social Change Really Happens
Aaron Dworkin is a distinguished figure in the arts and academia, holding various notable positions such as being a MacArthur Fellow, President Obama's appointee to the National Council on the Arts, and Governor Snyder's appointee to the Michigan Council for Arts & Cultural Affairs. Here’s the first five minutes of his 90-minute class in which he shares the Five Things He’s Learned about the life-changing power of diversity in the arts.
Five Things I’ve Learned about How Social Change Really Happens aims to inspire individuals, ensembles, and communities to spark and sustain real social change by sharing strategies for cultivating artistic excellence as a habit and discussing the transformative power of shared artistic experiences. By focusing on his experience founding the Sphinx Organization, a non-profit arts program dedicated to diversity and inclusion in classical music, Aaron delves into five key insights about how social change occurs in the arts and creativity.
If you want to know more about how to harness the power of arts leadership for individuals and communities, this class is for you.
Currently, Aaron serves as a tenured full professor of arts leadership and entrepreneurship at the University of Michigan's School of Music, Theatre & Dance, along with being a Professor of Entrepreneurial Studies at the Stephen M. Ross School of Business. He also serves as host of the nationally-broadcast Arts Engines show which reaches an audience of over 2 million.
As a best-selling writer, Aaron has authored The Entrepreneurial Artist: Lessons from Highly Successful Creatives, a science-fiction novel, Ethos: Rise of Malcolm, as well as his memoir titled Uncommon Rhythm: A Black, White, Jewish, Jehovah’s Witness, Irish Catholic Adoptee’s Journey to Leadership, a poetry collection, They Said I Wasn’t Really Black, and a children’s book The 1st Adventure of Chilli Pepperz.
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