A special Election Day reminder that – if you haven’t done so already – Get out and vote!
And though we wouldn’t presume to tell you who to vote for, we can remind you it appears that today’s outcome will be very much determined by women – something that couldn’t feel more welcome, timely, or just.
We hope you’ll have a minute to think about the historic nature of today’s election – both before and after you cast your ballot.
We also hope, too, that you’ll have a minute sometime today to revisit some of the most moving and most inspiring Five Things I’ve Learned about America reflections we’ve collected in recent months. Below, please find recent reflections from Yvette Benavides,
, Lilly Gonzalez, , , , Jennifer Mercieca, , Christina Tzintzun Ramirez, andIf you’ve missed one, today’s a good day to discover more proof points that America is filled with women we can all admire.
Discover these recent Five Things I’ve Learned about America reflections.
Just click on a graphic to view the corresponding post from a woman we admire.
And you’re right, the outcome relied heavily on the women’s vote.
This is very heartening on a day that feels fraught with peril. God Bless America.